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Disenchanted Vol. 01 TP
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: Simon Spurrier
Çizer: German Erramouspe
SIMON SPURRIER welcomes you to Vermintown! The smash-hit webcomic is collected for the first time! Nobody gives a crap about the little people any more. Once they were the mainstay of folklore: goblins, leprechauns, pixies, and fey. But now? Dispossessed, forgotten, doubting even their own traditions, they've trickled into Vermintown: a vast and vile city of a million inch-tall malcontents. Sprawling through an abandoned subway station deep beneath London, here myth has given way to sleaze, drugs, gangland violence and interracial hatred. Vermintown is where magic went to die. What ever happened to magic? Disenchanted answers that question with all the ugliness of the fairy slums in this first chapter of the collected webseries

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160 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL
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