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Doc Savage #6
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Brian Azzarello, Ivan Brandon, Jason Starr
Çizer: Nic Klein, Scott Hampton
The US government has offered Doc and his men a deal: run a secret mission in the war-ravaged, blockaded ruins of the Middle East, and they'll wipe the slate clean of the frame-up job that the Secretary of State ran on them. Doc Savage is nobody's errand boy – but if the mission involves saving the life of one of his former compatriots, he might just have to cut a deal with the men who set him up! Eisner Award-winner Brian Azzarello joins Ivan Brandon for a six-part epic that reveals the most dangerous corner of the FIRST WAVE world!

And in the JUSTICE, INC. co-feature, a new story sheds light on the criminal past of Smitty, one of Benson's most trusted detectives… and sets both men on a bloody odyssey that will clearly draw the line between "Vengeance and Murder!"
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40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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