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Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom Vol. 01 TP
[Dark Horse Comics]
Yazar: Jim Shooter
Çizer: Dennis Calero, Roger Robinson
Empowered by a thermonuclear catastrophe, Doctor Solar commands the awesome forces of the universe. But in the aftershock of the cataclysm that created the Man of the Atom, ripples throughout space-time imbue one Whitmore Pickerel with the power to create life-which he uses to serve his selfish desires and reckless ambitions. But some of Pickerel's creations have power beyond his dreams and hungers beyond his control!

* An icon of heroic fiction, Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom returns to comics written by superstar scribe Jim Shooter and illustrated by Roger Robinson (Batman: Gotham Knights) and Dennis Calero (X-Men Noir).

* Collects issues #1-#4 of the new Doctor Solar series, plus the story from Free Comic Book Day.
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104 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
239,85 TL

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