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Fashion Beast #2 (Facundo Percio Wraparound Cover)
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: Alan Martin
Çizer: Facundo Percio
Alan Moore and Malcolm McLaren's historic re-imaging of Beauty and the Beast continues! Doll doesn't fit in anywhere. And when fate seems to wash her in the direction of the mysterious unseen benefactor, Celestine, she discovers that the all-too glitzy fashion world with its glamour and excess is home to a brand of horror that the self-obsessed ignore until it is too late. Stunningly illustrated by Facundo Percio and scripted by long-time Moore collaborator, Antony Johnston, this series delivers Alan Moore's vision down to the letter and will change the way you look at fables for the rest of your life! Available with a Regular or Wraparound Cover by series artist Facundo Percio or Haute Couture Incentive (by Percio) or the very rare Tarot (by Paul Duffield) Incentive cover.

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özel sipariş
32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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