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Fashion Beast #6 (Facundo Percio Wraparound Cover)
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: Alan Moore
Çizer: Facundo Percio
Alan Moore's time-lost masterpiece spins a complex web of mythology over a world on the precipice of nuclear annihilation. Doll discovers the frightening truth behind the powerful Patron, Celestine. Beneath the mysterious layers of deformity lies a heart beaten down by the vanities of man and a fashion obsessed mother. Will the revelation of what is really behind the fashion empire boost Doll into immortality or tear her to pieces? Available with a Regular or Wraparound Cover by series artist Facundo Percio or Haute Couture Incentive (by Percio) or the very rare Tarot (by Paul Duffield) Incentive cover.

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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