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Fear Itself: Wolverine #3 (of 3)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Seth Peck
Çizer: Roland Boschi, John Lucas
In this issue, the bomb drops...literally! STRIKE, the mercenary group responsible for hijacking the helicarrier currently threatening New York, falls apart at the seams as Sutton reveals a growing madness that drives his actions. How do you reason with a madman? For Wolverine, it should be as easy as s-n-i-k-t, but Sutton has other plans. Meanwhile, Melita's on the ground reporting as made her a target, and not just for STRIKE. FEAR ITSELF continues to carve a path of destruction through Wolverine and Melita's lives, and the repercussions will last a long time.

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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