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Future State: Wonder Woman (2021) #1 (of 2) (Blank Card Stock Variant Cover)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Joelle Jones
Çizer: Joelle Jones
Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hero of mythic legend...Wonder Woman! But in the absence of Diana, Yara Flor has risen out of obscurity to protect Man's World from the magic that lies within it. Along with her trusty steed, she journeys to the Underworld to rescue one of her Themysciran sisters from the grasp of Hades. Will she unleash the wrath of this god in the process? You won't want to miss this first appearance of a character who will change the history of Wonder Woman forever!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL
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