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Genius Animated: The Life and Art of Alex Toth Vol. 03 HC
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Dean Mullaney, Bruce Canwell
Çizer: Alex Toth
The Library of American Comics concludes its in-depth look at Alex Toth's life and art with Genius, Animated. This companion volume to 2011's award-winning Genius, Isolated and 2013's Genius, Illustrated zooms in to focus on Toth's groundbreaking contributions in the field of animation and features many rarely-seen or never-before-published pieces of art, much of it uncovered in the archives of Hanna-Barbera Studios! Featuring presentation illustrations for unsold series; character designs and storyboards for old favorites such as Space Ghost, Shazzan, and Superfriends; and work taken from both the beginning (Space Angel) and end (Bionic 6) of Toth's 'Saturday kidvid' career, this oversized art book features observations from animation professionals about his work, plus Alex's own commentary on the cartoon shows that shaped a generation.

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özel sipariş
328 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
749,85 TL

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