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G.I. Joe (2019) #1 (Cover A Chris Evenhuis)
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Paul Allor
Çizer: Chris Evenhuis
Tyranny is on the rise as Cobra topples governments and spreads its ruthless power across the globe. In these trying times, desperate measures are taken. The new G.I. Joe program recruits civilian spies and saboteurs: ordinary people, living in occupied territories, who will put their lives on the line to strike back through clandestine but high-impact missions. Join these new recruits as they resist Cobra control, fight to make a better world for all, and find out just what they are capable of. * Featuring your favorite Joes, alongside brand new characters! * A new vision of G.I. Joe for a new generation! * G.I. Joe like you've never seen before!

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28 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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