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Greek Street #1
[DC Comics - Vertigo]
Yazar: Peter Milligan
Çizer: Davide Gianfelice
You're a boy from the hood. You're brought up rough in a children's home, trying to stay out of trouble but usually failing. Then at 18 you decide to track down your mother. Within hours of finding her, she's lying naked and dead at your feet. So you run to Greek Street.
And that's when your troubles really begin...
Boasting a cast of sexy strippers, murderous gangsters, body-snatching mad women and a disturbed young girl who can see the future, GREEK STREET is Peter Milligan's reimagining of those brutal and visceral tragedies that graced the Theater of Dionysus in Ancient Greece - bloody tales about incest, homicide, beautiful oracles, all-knowing choruses, kings, monsters and gods - played out on the mean streets of modern-day Red-Light London.
Milligan - best known for his super-smart Vertigo work like SHADE THE CHANGING MAN, HUMAN TARGET and now HELLBLAZER- joins forces with illustrator Davide Gianfelice (NORTHLANDERS) to create an epic ongoing series that's both familiar yet completely new and always with the bloody, visceral edge that makes it a Vertigo book. Take a trip to GREEK STREET where the old stories are not through with us yet.

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özel sipariş
40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
15,00 TL

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