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Hawkeye (2012) Vol. 03: L.A. Woman TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Matt Fraction
Çizer: Annie Wu, Javier Pulido
Kate Bishop heads to Los Angeles to get away from New York, life and Clint Barton - but she can't escape trouble! Because Madame Masque is hanging out poolside with the rich and famous, as well! As Kate helps a reclusive and sixties-damaged pop-music genius find his lost masterpiece, Madame Masque finds Kate. By which we mean starts trying to kill her again. This one has it all! Characters! Plot! Story! Dialogue! Theme! Meaning! Message! Action! A little exposition! Fire! Arrows! Criminals! Neighbors! Large bodies of water! Clients! Cops who don't care! A system that victimizes the victims! The dog! In a broken town where cynicism and apathy has its claws around the throat of the good and decent, Lady Hawkguy is the only hero you can trust! Collecting HAWKEYE (2012) #14, #16, 18, #20 and ANNUAL #1.
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144 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
239,85 TL

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