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Heavy Metal #276 (Cover A Jack Kirby)
[Heavy Metal Magazine]
Jack Kirby and Heavy Metal for the first time ever! August sees the cosmos-altering team-up of two of comics legendary forces: we're beyond proud to present the King of Comics' mind-blowing artwork in the pages of our hallowed (and now humbled) magazine, taken from Barry Geller & Jack Kirby's 'Lord of Light.' These Pieces by Geller & Kirby, mostly unseen before now, are part of American history as they were the artwork used by the CIA for Operation: Argo, which helped free American embassy workers during the Iranian coup in 1979. Also featuring all-new, eye-scorching color by some of the best toners in the biz! We're also super psyched to welcome back Max Frezzato to the fold, crushing it in an epic 47-page graphic novel! Plus Bilal, Erika Lewis' 'The 49th Key', the Molen Bros., and more!

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112 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
119,25 TL

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