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Hellblazer Vol. 14: Good Intentions TP
[DC Comics - Vertigo]
Yazar: Brian Azzarello
Çizer: Steve Dillon, Richard Corben, Marcelo Frusin
In this collection of issues #146-161 and a story from VERTIGO SECRET FILES: HELLBLAZER #1, Constantine finds himself in a new kind of hell: a maximum-security penitentiary. Stripped of his trademark trench coat, his pack of Silk Cuts and the safety net of his personal connections, he must adapt to a hard place governed by even harder men, where weakness is rewarded by death...or worse. And then, while hitchhiking across the U.S., Constantine tries to discover what forces are conspiring against him. But a tiny roadside diner introduces him to a variety of travelers forced off the road by a cataclysmic snowstorm-including a legendary serial killer.

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384 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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