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HorrorHound #53 May/June 2015
[Horrorhound Ltd.]
In 1975 Jaws was unleashed to cinemas - unknowingly creating "the summer blockbuster" - and changing the movie industry forever. Now, 40 years later, movie theaters are about to receive the latest chapter in Spielberg's legacy - Jurassic World. We look back through these four decades of entertainment and dissect the impact Spielberg ultimately had on Hollywood - and in horror. Including his own productions (Gremlins, Poltergeist, Super 8), and those that "borrowed" his genius. We also focus on the Jurassic Park saga, and deliver an epic HorrorHound retrospective on Jaws! New feature films such as Insidious Chapter 3, B.O.O., and Terminator: Genisys are covered as well as the latest toy and comic book news! Regular features "VHS Invasion" and "Horror's Hallowed Grounds" are also included!

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özel sipariş
68 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
104,85 TL

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