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House of Hem TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Fred Hembeck
Çizer: Fred Hembeck
For over thirty years, cartoonist Fred Hembeck has been poking fun at Marvel's mightiest heroes. Now, some of his greatest works are collected in a giant-sized one-shot that's bursting with belly laughs!
Fred relentlessly roasts the Fantastic Four with the help of an all-star cast of artists!
Fred wipes out the Marvel Universe in the tale they said couldn't be published (and almost wasn't)!
Even Spider-Man and the Hulk are no match for Hembeck's trademark wit!
Plus: a cornucopia of side-splitting short strips from the pages of Marvel Age - and an all-new introduction by the man himself!
Collecting FANTASTIC FOUR ROAST, FRED HEMBECK DESTROYS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN DIGITAL COMIC #16 - and material from HULK ANNUAL '99; and MARVEL AGE #50, #52, #54-55, #69, #97, #122-123 and #130-131.
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
104 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
119,85 TL

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