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I am an Avenger #2 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Greg Rucka, Paul Tobin, Sean McKeever
Çizer: Mike Mayhew, Greg Land, Michael Lark
The star-studded Avengers anthology continues as Greg Rucka makes his return to mighty Marvel with a tale of the star-spangled Avenger Steve Rogers! Honoring the fallen of the Siege of Asgard, the former Captain America will never let them be forgotten! When two separate nights out on the town result in ex-Avengers (and ex-soulmates) Firestar and Justice bumping into each other, the truly unexpected happens! Plus, with so many different (and hungry!) Avengers converging in New York, what's on the day's menu for Jarvis?
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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