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I am an Avenger #4 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Sean McKeever, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Colleen Coover, Lucy Knisley
Çizer: Mike Mayhew, Colleen Coover, Sara Pichelli, Lucy Knisley
The next spectacular chapter in I AM AN AVENGER comes at you with fan-favorite writer Roberto Sacasa leading the charge: By day, Ben Grimm is a member of the Fantastic Four, by night, he is one of Luke Cage's New Avengers.'s never that cut-and-dry, is it? Where do your allegiances lie when both teams need you and one team is your family? Avengers across New York engage in a long-forgotten battle--one that Firestar and Justice can end if they're willing to pay the price! Ms. Marvel and Spider-Woman recall their days of past glory, while looking forward to the future (and beating the snot out of punks.) And Tony Stark learns not to mess with teenaged angst, especially when it's 'Stature'-esque in scale!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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