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I Hate Fairyland: I Hate Image Special Edition #1 (Cover A Skottie Young)
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Skottie Young
Çizer: Skottie Young
'I HATE IMAGE!' The Free Comic Book Day hit is back, with even more pages! Gertrude has been stuck in Fairyland for decades when she finally hears of a secret passage that may be her way back home. But reaching it is easier said than done, as she crosses the border into Image where she'll have to chop her way through your favorite characters from SAGA, THE WALKING DEAD, SAVAGE DRAGON, SPAWN, DESCENDER, BLACK SCIENCE, SOUTHERN BASTARDS, and many more! This all-new special edition features four additional pages of story as Gert slices and dices her way through even more of your Image favorites, plus a behind the scenes look at Skottie's script, layouts, and black and white artwork all wrapped in a brand-new cover!

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44 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
89,85 TL

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I Hate Fairyland: I Hate Image Special Edition #1 (Cover A Skottie Young) hakkındaki yorumlar;

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