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Image Plus Vol. 2 (2017) #11
[Image Comics]
The latest issue of IMAGE+ overflows with exclusive interviews, art features, and comics, offering a tsunami of sequential art in 80 pages. Discover how ROB GUILLORY illustrates a horrific harvest in FARMHAND, and how MIRKA ANDOLFO brought her provocative, anthropomorphic romance, UNNATURAL, from Italy to the United States. IMAGE+ provides direct access to the most groundbreaking creators and how they're changing the face of comics, from step-by-step illustration breakdowns to in-depth features. This issue also brings SCOTT SNYDER and JOCK's WYTCHES: BAD EGG one chapter closer to its gut-wrenching finale, as two adolescent boys fall deeper into a nightmare filled with family secrets, betrayal, and sinister monsters. IMAGE+ is free with any purchase of Diamond's Previews.

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özel sipariş
80 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
29,85 TL

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