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Incredible Hercules: The Mighty Thorcules
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente
Çizer: Reilly Brown, Nelson DeCastro, Rodney Buchemi
It is said of the mystic uru hammer Mjolnir that whosoever holds it shall possess the power of the Mighty Thor, if he be worthy. But what if he be Hercules? Get ready for a heaping helping of hammer-heaving, Shakespearean-sounding, cape-flapping dramedy as Thor’s reputation for mightiness is mercilessly undone by a most irreverent impostor. Not Loki, not a Skrull, but the son of Zeus himself! Plus: the mind- bending secret origin of Amadeus Cho! Collecting INCREDIBLE HERCULES #132 -137.
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152 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
224,85 TL

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