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Invincible #1 (LCSD 2020 Gold Foil Logo Variant Cover)
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Robert Kirkman
Çizer: Cory Walker
Strange things begin to happen to Mark Grayson as he develops superpowers. Luckily, his dad is around to show him the ropes, at least he WOULD be if he weren't so busy saving the world all the time. Mark is forced to go out on his own, and try and figure out how all this superheroing business works. The results are a monumental disaster. Meanwhile, there's trouble at school when Mark is dragged into a fight of epic proportions. This LCSD 2020 edition of the debut issue of the long running INVINCIBLE series by Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker will introduce the action packed adventure to a whole new audience of readers since its original launch in 2003. Now fans can revisit the iconic superhero story of Mark Grayson in anticipation of the upcoming Amazon Prime Original TV show adaptation coming soon and featuring the voices of fan-favorite Steven Yeun (THE WALKING DEAD) and two time Golden Globe winning actress Sandra Oh of the popular TV series Killing Eve!

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28 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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