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Invisible Men: Trailblazing Black Artists of Comic Books HC
[IDW Publishing]
Read about the riveting stories of Black artists who drew, mostly behind the scenes, superhero, horror, and romance comics in the early years of the industry. The life stories of each man's personal struggles and triumphs are represented as they broke through into a world formerly occupied only by white artists. Using primary source material from World War II-era Black newspapers and magazines, this compelling book profiles pioneers like E.C. Stoner, a descendant of one of George Washington's slaves. Stoner became a renowned fine artist of the Harlem Renaissance. Perhaps more fascinating is Owen Middleton who was sentenced to life in Sing Sing. Then there is Matt Baker, the most revered of the Black artists, whose exquisite art spotlights stunning women and men, and who drew the first groundbreaking Black comic book hero, Vooda! Gorgeously illustrated with rare examples of each artist's work, including full stories from mainstream comic books to rare titles like All-Negro Comics and Negro Heroes, plus unpublished artist's photos and art. Invisible Men: The Trailblazing Black Artists of Comic Books features Ken Quattro's over 20 years of impeccable research and writing. The social and cultural environments that formed these extraordinary artists are deftly detailed by Quattro in this must-have book!

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224 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
524,85 TL
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