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Jack Kirby Collector #66
[TwoMorrows Publishing]
Çizer: Jack Kirby
Think twice before skipping Jack Kirby Collector #66, our special double-takes issue! It features a wealth of oddities, coincidences, and reworkings by both Jack and Stan Lee from throughout both their careers! There's more on Kirby's Galactus Origin that you never saw, a head-to-head of Ditko's vs. Kirby's Spider-Man, how Lee and Kirby viewed 'writing' and 'script' differently, plus a rare Kirby interview, Mark Evanier and our other regular columnists, unseen and unused pencil art from Fantastic Four, 2001, Captain Victory, Bruce Lee, and more! Edited by John Morrow.

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100 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
164,25 TL

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