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Judge Dredd Megazine #328
More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd! A bumper movie special to coincide with the release of DREDD in cinemas this month, this issue features interviews and stills from the head-pounding SF thriller, as well as a bonus Dredd strip. Plus, degenerate villain Ratfink is loose in the start of new story Judge Dredd: 'Ratfink's Revenge' by Alan Grant and Tiernen Trevallion, and the bodies are mounting in Anderson, Psi-Division: 'Stone Voices' by Alan Grant and Boo Cook; In addition, there's the usual articles, stories and more. And in the bagged graphic novel this month, the complete 'Judge Dredd: Ratfink' by John Wagner and Peter Doherty!

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özel sipariş
64 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
195,00 TL

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