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Judge Dredd Megazine #369
More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd! Dredd and Joyce battle murderous pirates on an oceanic flotilla in The Gyre by Michael Carroll and Nick Percival; DeMarco tries to stop the carnage in Damocles by Michael Carroll and Steve Yeowell; the future lawman follows the trail of bodies out into the Cursed Earth in the movie sequel DREDD: Dust by Arthur Wyatt and Ben Willsher; and starting this issue and exclusive to the Megazine, the first publication of a terrifying black-metal vampire epic, Realm of the Damned by Alec Worley and Pye Parr. Plus, and in the bagged graphic novel this month, secret agent Synnamon investigates an Earthbound spacecraft in Arc of Light, by Colin Clayton, Chris Dows, and David Roach.

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64 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
189,00 TL
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