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Justice League Odyssey (2018) Vol. 03: Final Frontier TP
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Dan Abnett
Çizer: Will Conrad, Cliff Richards
Returned to power, with the reborn New Gods at his side and the Ghost Sector as an implacable fortress, Darkseid sets his sights on the remaining universe! An unknown warrior assembles Green Lantern Jessica Cruz and various heroes to form a new JLO as guardians of the Ghost Sector. Outnumbered against Darkseid's savage para-angel strikeforce, they'll have to fight their way through Darkseid's new multiplanet realm of Apokolips to take control of Sepulkore-or die trying. Collects Justice League Odyssey #13-18.
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152 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,85 TL

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