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Kabuki Vol. 02: Dreams TP
[Image Comics]
Yazar: David Mack
Çizer: David Mack
Japan. A horribly scarred woman has a vision of the afterlife in which she is visited by her dead mother, and then returns to life with a new sense of purpose. A personal tale of love, duty, and self discovery, elegantly told through the masks and metaphors of the Japanese Ghost Story. The long-awaited second volume in David Mack's critically acclaimed series.
This Collection: Now back in print! Collecting four fully painted Kabuki stories (including a completely new story!) in a brand new and improved prestige edition with extra pages! Much more than the previous out-of-print 48-page Dreams paperback, this 128-page volume presents all of the very first-painted Kabuki books (Kabuki Color Special & Kabuki: Dreams of the Dead), but also the fully painted Kabuki #½, and an entire Brand New Kabuki story written and painted by David Mack, just for this volume! Also included in Kabuki for the first time ever, a completely autobiographical comic book story, written and drawn by David Mack, an in-depth Kabuki Spotlight and David Mack interview from France's Ekllipse Magazine, a gallery of original covers, an introduction by Brian Michael Bendis, and brand new afterword by David Mack, a brand new front and back cover (and lots of new art pages), and printed on new and improved, thicker high grade, archival paper.

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128 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
194,25 TL
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