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Legends of the Dark Knight 100-Page Super Spectacular #4
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Aaron Lopresti, Doug Warner, Marc Guggenheim
Çizer: Matthew Dow Smith, Federico Dallocchio
In 'I...Batman,' there's a new face of crimefighting in Gotham City, but will this twisted creation do more harm than good? Next, a serial killer targets random citizens of Gotham for a fiery death, and the Dark Knight detects a pattern the police didn't in 'Ashes to Ashes.' Finally, in 'Herded Limits,' when the Dark Knight foils the Riddler's latest plot, Dr. Chase Meridian presents evidence that Edward Nigma isn't clinically insane after all!
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100 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
149,85 TL

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