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Love and Capes Vol. 03: Wake Up Where You Are TP
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Thom Zahler
Çizer: Thom Zahler
Mark and Abby are home from their honeymoon and ready to settle in for some domestic bliss. But settling in doesn't mean things will settle down. Mark's best friend, Darkblade, is now dating his ex-girlfriend, Amazonia. Abby's landlord is trying to drive her and her bookstore out. And Charlotte is about to graduate from college. Plus, it's time to tell Abby's parents about Mark's super-secret, but will that mean telling Abby's brother, too? "Ever after" is where things get really interesting.

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özel sipariş
168 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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