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Luthor (Hardcover)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Brian Azzarello
Çizer: Lee Bermejo, Mick Gray, Karl Story
Writer Brian Azzarello and artist Lee Bermejo (the creators behind the acclaimed best-selling graphic novel JOKER) deliver a bold story in which readers get a glimpse into the mind of Superman's longtime foe, published for the first time in hardcover – with new, additional story pages, sketch material and more!

Collected from the 5-issue miniseries LEX LUTHOR: MAN OF STEEL, LUTHOR reveals why the genius villain chooses to be the proverbial thorn in the Man of Steel's side: to save humanity from the untrustworthy alien being.
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144 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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