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Mad Magazine #505
[DC Comics]
Yazar: The Usual Gang of Idiots
Çizer: The Usual Gang of Idiots
Don't let oil in the Gulf get you down – MAD #505 is gushing with comedy. In the newest issue, we look at Teabagger Proof That Obama is a Terrorist/Socialist and take aim at the President in The Wizard of O (a Mad Movie Satire). We also suck the life out of True Blood, TMZ, and Glee! And beneath the surface, there's even more stupidity in Fundalini, Planet Tad, Spy vs. Spy, The Mad Strip Club, and A MAD Look art Racial Profiling. It's spilling onto newsstands now!

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
56 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
205×265 mm
89,85 TL

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