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Madame Xanadu Vol. 01: Disenchanted TP
[DC Comics - Vertigo]
Yazar: Matt Wagner
Çizer: Amy Reeder Hadley, Richard Friend
"The fast pace [is] instantly immersive, as is Amy Reeder Hadley's finely detailed, complicated art, which is almost shockingly pretty. B+"– The Onion "This features lots of the fairies, magicians and medieval-style witchcraft in a style that evokes at least a little bit the classic Midsummer Night's Dream issue of THE SANDMAN. The book looks lovely and reads well." – Variety

The first ten issues of the hit series from writer Matt Wagner and rising star artist Amy Reeder Hadley are collected in this new trade paperback! Madame Xanadu's powers of sight can change the course of human history, but her vision is clouded when she looks into herself. Thrown into worlds of war and men, she encounters a dark stranger who knows both her past and future. This debut volume reveals Madame Xanadu's centuries spanning origin from Camelot to the court of Kubla Khan to 1940s New York City and beyond… Featuring an introduction by James Robinson (STARMAN).

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özel sipariş
240 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
194,85 TL

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