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Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (2013) #1 (of 5) (Marco Rudy Regular Cover)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Knights]
Yazar: Matt Kindt
Çizer: Marco Rudy
From the haunted heights of a mysterious castle to the dizzying depths of the deep seas, the Amazing Spider-Man has to take on not one, not six, not twelve - but ninety-nine of the Marvel Universe's deadliest villains to save the lives of countless innocents!
Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) and Marco Rudy (Swamp Thing) bring you a defining hour in the life of the webbed wonder in a race against time and a battle against evil.

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Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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