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Metalocalypse / Dethklok #2 (of 3)
[Dark Horse Comics]
Yazar: Brendon Small, Jon Schnepp, Jeremy Barlow
Çizer: Lucas Marangon, Eduardo Francisco
An especially brutal Dethklok gig has resulted in the destruction of Helsinki, in no small part due to a gargantuan troll accidentally awakened from the depths of Lake Bodom. Now Dethklok have returned to the scene, seeking to make amends, not knowing that there are worse things waiting for them in the blackness of the lake. Meddling with the supernatural can only lead to one thing . . . new pets for the band?

* Based on the popular Adult Swim animated series Metalocalypse. New season begins in August! Brutal!

* Stories by series creator/writer Brendon Small and series director/designer Jon Schnepp! Brutaler!

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36 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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