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Monstrous Collection of Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson HC
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Steve Niles
Çizer: Bernie Wrightson
From the creator of 30 Days of Night comes a collection so terrifying, so huge, so gritty and raw that it had to be called MONSTROUS. Collecting the collaborations between two living horror legends--Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson--this tome includes three complete tales: Dead She Said; The Ghoul, and Doc Macabre, each a piece of the dark, dangerous universe Niles has created in the shadows of the world we think we know. Enjoy them here, collected together and in oversize black and white form for the first time.

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özel sipariş
176 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
750,00 TL

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