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Nameless HC
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Grant Morrison
Çizer: Chris Burnham
NAMELESS tells the story of a down-at-heel occult hustler known only as 'Nameless' who is recruited by a consortium of billionaire futurists as part of a desperate mission to save the world. A massive asteroid named Xibalba-the 'Place of Fear' in Mayan mythology-is on collision course with the planet Earth. If that wasn't trouble enough, the asteroid has an enormous magical symbol carved into its side and is revealed to be a fragment of our solar system's lost fifth planet, Marduk, destroyed sixty-five million years ago at the end of an epic cosmic war between the inhabitants of Marduk and immensely powerful, life-hating, extra-dimensional 'gods.' One of those beings is still alive, imprisoned on Xibalba, dreaming of its ultimate revenge on all that exists. When Nameless and his teammates inadvertently unleash this malignant soul-destroying intelligence, the stage is set for a nightmarish, nihilistic journey to the outer reaches of human terror.

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özel sipariş
192 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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