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Nightwing (2016) #62 (Bruno Redondo Regular Cover)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Dan Jurgens
Çizer: Ronan Cliquet
After the epic conclusion to the Burnback saga, it's clear that while he may have forgotten his past, Ric Grayson's innate skills and instincts as a team leader elevate Team Nightwing to a new level. But what does that mean for the Bldhaven PD, and what does that mean for a man who is looking to live a life without the baggage of his past to hold him down? Ric seeks comfort in Bea's arms, but may find answers in another's Talons as we dive headlong into the Year of the Villain! Plus, Lex Luthor delivers the Court of Owls the means to own what they covet most: Ric Grayson.
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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