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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A To Z Vol. 06 Premiere HC
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Eric Englehard, Peter Sanderson, Jeff Christiansen, Sean McQuaid, Michael Hoskin, Ronald Byrd, Stuart Vandal, Bill Lentz, Barry Reese, Mike Fichera, Chris Biggs, Madison Carter, Mark O'English, Jeph York, Chad Anderson, Al Sjoerdsma, Rich Green
The most comprehensive guide to the stars of the Marvel Universe continues! From the old west of Kid Colt to the far-flung future of Killraven to the end of time with Kang! From jolly ol' J. Jonah Jameson, fantastic mailman Willie Lumpkin and mighty butler Jarvis to Hulk's pal Rick Jones! Ladies Daemon, Deathstrike, Liberators, Mastermind and Octopus! Triumphant heroes including Jocasta, Jolt, Karma, Longshot, M, MACH-4 and Machine Man! Loathsome Villains including Jester, Kaine, Killmonger, King Cobra, Kingpin, Klaw, Korvac, Kraven, Leader, Lizard, Loki, Mad Thinker and Madame Masque! The Kree! Two Justices! Two Ka-Zars! Two Liliths! Dan Ketch! Lockheed! The Juggernaut! And many more!
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240 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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