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Power Pack: Grow Up! (2019) #1 (June Brigman Regular Cover)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Louise Simonson
Çizer: June Brigman, Gurihiru, Roy Richardson
BELOVED POWER PACK CREATORS LOUISE SIMONSON AND JUNE BRIGMAN GET THE GANG BACK TOGETHER FOR A SPECIAL 80TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE! For more than 60 issues, Louise Simonson and June Brigman brought a light and youthfulness to Marvel Comics that had rarely been seen before - or since. Alex, Julie, Katie and Jack Power - four ordinary children granted incredible alien abilities - soared into our hearts with amazing adventures from the Morlocks' sewers to the depths of space. Now Louise and June return for a blast into the past - with a bonus helping of Wolverine and Kitty Pryde! When the Brood crash a Lila Cheney concert, Power Pack jumps into action. But can they fight past their own anxieties - and each other - fast enough to drive off the invasion? Plus: Fan-favorite artist Gurihuri teams up with Louise Simonson for the first time in a special short story!
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