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Powers Vol. 03: Little Deaths
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Brian Michael Bendis
Çizer: Michael Avon Oeming
A selection of Powers most intriguing and salacious stories published to date, plus an explosive gathering of some of the most hard to find Powers material. Included in this volume are the stories "Groupies," a superhero sex scandal like you have never seen before; "Ride Along," a tale starring Warren Ellis as himself; the very first reprinting of the entire Powers Wizard Edition; the complete, critically-acclaimed Powers Annual; and The Powers Coloring & Activity Book. Also inside, "Keys," a bonus noir crime story, plus a dazzling Mike Oeming sketchbook, a cover gallery, an in-depth interview with Brian Michael Bendis and a brand new cover by Oeming.

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224 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL
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