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Powers Vol. 07: Forever
[Marvel Comics - Icon]
Yazar: Brian Michael Bendis
Çizer: Michael Avon Oeming
FOREVER! The comic experience of the year – the origin of POWERS! FOREVER! The story that literally spans the history of man as all the mysteries of Powers and the Powers universe unfold, following a lone warrior’s trek through the greatest stories ever told.
FOREVER! The largest Powers collection yet! WE SAID, "FOREVER!" WITH EXCLUSIVE BONUS FEATURES!! GET: the entire unedited script to the controversial Powers #31, another brand new "Bendis and Oeming interview each other," a stunning look into Oeming’s research and sketch work for every era, bonus text pieces, a cover gallery, a making of the scene, and much more. We’d tell you, but we’re already out of breath! Collects POWERS (Vol. 1) #31-37.

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272 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,25 TL
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