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anasayfa dizin yeniler abonelik öneriler güncel sss önsipariş formları iletişim stoktaki ürünler Diamond Comics stok listesi
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Marc Andreyko, David Lapham, Paul Tobin
Çizer: Guilherme Balbi, Gabriel Guzman, Victor Drujiniu, Tony Kordos, Jordi Tarragona, David Rivera
The film adaptation and complete expanded story in one volume!

Action--packed, blood--drenched lead--ins introduce the main characters from the film, played by Adrien Brody and Laurence Fishburne, and set up Rodriguez's reboot of the Predator film series by showing how the characters fought for their lives and arrived on the Predators' alien planet. Then, after an adaptation of the film itself, find out what happened to the surviving characters immediately after the movie, when they were stranded on the hostile world with only each other--and the faint hope of escape-to help them outlast the Predators.

* Robert Rodriguez teams with Dark Horse for this expanded version of this summer's Predators film!

* Collecting the prequel and sequel comics. Telling one massive, novel--length story!

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
184 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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