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Punisher: Soviet TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Garth Ennis
Çizer: Jacen Burrows
Garth Ennis returns to the world of the Punisher! A dozen Russian mobsters lie dead at Frank Castle's feet - but he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger. You'd think the Punisher would celebrate - but if you know Frank,you'll know this unexpected turn of events just stirs up more questions. Who is Valery Stepanovich? Why did he mow down a room full of mobsters? These are questions Frank is going to answer - and then decide whether Valery deserves his own punishment. But what will happen when these two criminal hunters come face-to-face? Seeds planted decades ago in Moscow and Afghanistan are about to bloom bloody in New York City in a new tale by the writer who gets Frank Castle like no other! Collecting PUNISHER: SOVIET #1-6.

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136 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
269,85 TL

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