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Rage #1 (of 3) (Glenn Fabry Regular Cover)
[Dark Horse Comics]
Yazar: Arvid Nelson
Çizer: Andrea Mutti, Pierluigi Baldassini
The groundbreaking new game from the developers of Doom and Quake is almost here, but first Dark Horse presents an essential introduction to the world of Rage!

The Earth has been devastated by collision with an asteroid, with a tiny fraction of the population surviving in life-sustaining arks, only to awaken in a wasteland controlled by a global military dictatorship called the Authority. But a rescued scientist learns that the Authority has lied to her and the other survivors about how this new world came to be.

* Written by Arvid Nelson, creator of Rex Mundi!

* An exclusive tie-in to the next hit game from id, the developers of Doom and Quake!

* Reveals secrets central to the story of Rage!

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