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Rai Vol. 02: Battle for New Japan TP
[Valiant Comics]
Yazar: Matt Kindt
Çizer: Clayton Crain
The critically acclaimed series continues as New York Times bestselling writer Matt Kindt and superstar artist Clayton Crain return for the second staggering volume of RAI!

In the aftermath of the devastating battle for 41st-century Japan, Rai must pick up the pieces as he grapples with the startling truth about Father and his purpose. Will Rai remain a champion of the people or will he succumb to the same fate as the men who carried the mantle before him? And why is everyone looking at him so strangely?

Go back to the future with all-star creators Matt Kindt (UNITY, Mind MGMT)
and Clayton Crain (X Force, Carnage) as they crack open a brand-new chapter for Valiant's smash-hit ongoing series!

Collecting RAI #5-8.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
112 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
224,85 TL

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