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Sam & Twitch: The Complete Collection Vol. 02 HC
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Brian Michael Bendis, Todd McFarlane
Çizer: Alex Maleev, Ashley Wood
The Spawn Universe's favorite detectives come at you full-force in their own ground breaking series. Featuring an all-star cast of creators, the bar was set high for gritty crime fiction when Sam and Twitch first came on the scene. Follow the exploits of NYPD's two most dedicated public servants as they try to uncover the secrets behind the 'Bounty Hunter Wars'. Also includes the never before reprinted 'John Doe Affair' story arc by TODD MCFARLANE (story), with ALEX MALEEV (art) and PAUL LEE (art).

Collected in an all-new size and format, SAM AND TWITCH: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION, VOL. 2 brings you the art and stories that made this series a classic. Extra features include an ASHLEY WOOD cover gallery and behind-the-scenes art.

Collects SAM and TWITCH #14-26

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özel sipariş
320 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
449,85 TL

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