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Savage Sword of Conan (2019) #7 (Marco Checchetto Regular Cover)
[Marvel Comics]
Yazar: Jim Zub
Çizer: Patrick Zircher
HITHER CAME CONAN... THE GAMBLER?! A chance violent encounter in Shadizar lands young CONAN a position as a bodyguard for a wealthy merchant. But a twist of fate will put Conan in the hot seat - and no choice but to play the hand he's dealt in a deadly game of SERPENT'S BLUFF! Conan will rely on his sword - and his wits - while navigating the seedy underworld of 'civilized' gambling while making sure he stays clear of the deadly 'Debtors Lounge'!Magic, mystery and action abound when writer Jim Zub (CHAMPIONS, AVENGERS: NO ROAD HOME) joins forces with artist Patch Zircher (HULK; TERROR, INC.) for the first of a three-part epic - CONAN THE GAMBLER! PLUS: The next chapter in the all-new CONAN novella 'THE SHADOW OF VENGEANCE'!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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