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Scarlet Witch Vol. 03: The Final Hex TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
For years, the Scarlet Witch has faced lies and half-truths when it comes to her past. Who were her parents? Where does she come from? Now, she's determined to discover the answers - but there are those who lurk in the shadows that will do anything to stop her! Wanda's quest will set her - and Agatha Harkness - back on the Witches' Road as they take a perilous journey to its very end! Wanda must face friends and foes from her bizarre life and confront demons like none before. But with every spell she casts, her lifespan is cut ever shorter. Can she possibly win her race against time to save witches everywhere? And if she somehow does, then what's next for the Scarlet Witch? Collecting SCARLET WITCH (2015) #11-15.
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112 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
239,85 TL

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