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Shaman Warrior Vol. 09
[Dark Horse Manhwa]
Yazar: Park Joong-Ki
Çizer: Park Joong-Ki
The final volume in Park Joong-Ki's lavishly illustrated Shaman Warrior saga brings Yaki face to face with the forces of Kugai, now led by Yuda -- the Death Lord who executed her father. Yaki is also reunited with Nejo, a fellow orphan who stole her heart when they were being raised in the brutal Butcher Camps. Fickle fate's placed Nejo in the middle of a violent misunderstanding, however, and his strength and resolve will be further tested after a horrible accident separates him from Yaki once again. Heartbreak, horror, and hope -- amazingly enough, this volume has it all! After she inherits her father's shaman powers and the beast inside Yaki is unleashed, she fights to avenge her father, protect her endangered, mystical shaman bloodline, and find her place in a war-torn country.

* One of the best-selling manhwa epics of all time, Shaman Warrior won the Korean Culture & Content Agency's 2006 Best Manhwa of the Year award!

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
192 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
146×209 mm
194,85 TL

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