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Six Guns #1 (of 5)
[Marvel Comics]
Yazar: Andy Diggle
Çizer: Davide Gianfelice
"Don't set them up if you can't take them down!"
Times may have changed since the days of the Old West, but in the war-torn South American state of San Diablo, the law of the gun still holds sway. When former hero-for-hire Maria Vasquez, alias Tarantula, finds herself wanted for murder south of the border, Texas Rangers Division lawman "Tex" Dawson is assigned to bring her in. But they're on a collision course with the outlaw Black Riders biker gang, who plan to make sure she never makes it to trial alive...
Classic Marvel gunslingers Tarantula, Tex Dawson, Black Rider, Matt Slade and the Two-Gun Kid are given a modern-day makeover in this hard-bitten tale of blood and bullets by the DAREDEVIL: REBORN team of Andy Diggle and Davide Gianfelice. Five heroes, six guns...against six hundred!

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